Spider-Man 2 Featured ‘Only 10%’ of Venom’s Recorded Dialogue

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Venom’s Missing Dialogues: 90% Cut from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Despite some fans feeling that Venom didn’t receive sufficient attention in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, which dropped mid-October 2023, rumors are swirling regarding a potential follow-up game or spin-off featuring the chaotic character. However, a shocking revelation emerged at FAN Expo 2023 in San Francisco, where it was disclosed that approximately 90% of Venom’s recorded dialogue might have been excised from the base game.

The Cut Dialogues: What Happened to Them?

During a panel at FAN Expo, Evan Filarca shared a clip on Twitter of Tony Todd, the voice actor for Venom. According to the rumors, Insomniac Games purportedly removed around 90% of Todd’s recorded dialogue from the game, opting instead to include only a small fraction in the final product.

Where Did These Lines Disappear?

Unfortunately, no context was provided regarding where exactly the dialogue was eliminated. It’s unclear whether it was intended for sequences in which the player took control of Venom, or if it was cut due to Insomniac Games’ decision to limit Venom’s presence in the main game.

The Future of Venom

Despite these developments, it’s widely believed that Venom isn’t done yet. These lines could potentially resurface in the future.

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