Insurgency Developer New World Interactive Shut Down By Embracer Group

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New World Interactive Shut Down: Saber Interactive Assumes Development of Insurgency and Sandstorm


Saber Interactive has issued the following statement regarding the closure of New World Interactive:

“Saber can confirm there have been restructuring changes involving our New World Interactive subsidiary. This reorganization has unfortunately resulted in layoffs at the studio. We are working to fill existing open roles within Saber with individuals affected by these changes wherever feasible and we will be providing severance packages to those employees impacted.

“Development will continue on Insurgency: Sandstorm, as well as unannounced future projects.”


Embracer Group Shuts Down New World Interactive: Studio Behind Insurgency and Sandstorm

New World Interactive, the Texas-based studio behind successful games like Insurgency and Insurgency: Sandstorm, has been shut down by parent company Embracer Group. The news was first reported by Second Wind’s Nick Calandra and later confirmed to Insider Gaming by multiple sources.

Founded in 2010, New World Interactive’s First Game Released in 2014

New World Interactive was founded in 2010 and released its first game, Insurgency, in 2014. The studio went on to create two more titles, Day of Infamy and Insurgency: Sandstorm, before being acquired by Embracer Group in August 2020.

Multiple New Games in Development Before Closure

At the time of closure, New World Interactive had multiple new games in development but none had been officially announced. Insurgency: Sandstorm was drawing an average of 4,000 players per day on Steam over the last three months.

Embracer Group Restructuring Leads to Studio Closure

UPDATE: Saber Interactive, the parent company of New World Interactive, has confirmed that there have been restructuring changes resulting in the closure of the subsidiary. Development on Insurgency: Sandstorm and unannounced future projects will continue within Saber.

ORIGINAL: New World Interactive, the studio behind popular titles Insurgency and Insurgency: Sandstorm, has been shut down by parent company Embracer Group.

The news was first reported by Second Wind’s Nick Calandra and later confirmed to Insider Gaming by multiple sources. Employees were informed of the closure on Monday, March 20.

Founded in 2010, New World Interactive released its first game, Insurgency, in 2014. The studio went on to create two more titles – Day of Infamy and Insurgency: Sandstorm – before being acquired by Embracer Group in August 2020.

At the time of closure, New World Interactive had several new games in development. Insurgency: Sandstorm was averaging around 4,000 players per day on Steam over the last three months.

Embracer Group has not yet responded to comment on the closure of New World Interactive or regarding the status of its employees.

UPDATE: Saber Interactive, the parent company of New World Interactive, has released a statement regarding the studio closure:

“Statement from Saber Interactive on New World Interactive Closure”

“Saber can confirm there have been restructuring changes involving our New World Interactive subsidiary. This reorganization has unfortunately resulted in layoffs at the studio. We are working to fill existing open roles within Saber with individuals affected by these changes wherever feasible and we will be providing severance packages to those employees impacted.

“Development will continue on Insurgency: Sandstorm, as well as unannounced future projects.”

New World Interactive Shuts Down: What Happened to the Studio Behind Insurgency and Insurgency: Sandstorm?

New World Interactive, the Austin-based studio responsible for popular multiplayer games Insurgency and Insurgency: Sandstorm, has been shut down by their parent company Embracer Group. Nick Calandra of Second Wind was the first to report the news.

“Background of New World Interactive: From Humble Beginnings to Embracer Acquisition”

New World Interactive was founded in 2010, and their first title, Insurgency, was released in 2014. Over the years, they developed and published two more games: Day of Infamy and Insurgency: Sandstorm. In August 2020, Embracer Group acquired New World Interactive.

“New World Interactive’s Recent Developments and Future Projects”

At the time of closure, New World Interactive was working on multiple new games, although none had been officially announced. Insurgency: Sandstorm, which was released six years ago, was still attracting a player base of around 4,000 per day on Steam.

“Embracer Group’s Actions: Reorganization and Layoffs”

Embracer Group, the parent company of New World Interactive, recently announced that it was implementing a “restructuring plan” which resulted in the closure of New World Interactive. This decision led to layoffs for the studio’s employees, as confirmed by multiple sources.

“Embracer Group’s Previous Actions: Threatened Closures and Layoffs”

This news follows Embracer’s earlier confirmation that several of its studios, including those responsible for titles like Saints Row and Borderlands, were at risk of closure while also laying off employees. There have been rumors of similar actions being taken against developer Gearbox Entertainment.

UPDATE: Saber Interactive Confirms New World Interactive’s Closure

Saber Interactive, the new parent company of New World Interactive after its acquisition by Embracer Group, has confirmed to Insider Gaming that the studio has been shut down as part of a “restructuring plan.” This unfortunate event resulted in layoffs for New World Interactive’s employees.

Background: New World Interactive and Their Games

New World Interactive, founded in 2010, was the studio behind several successful titles including Insurgency (released in 2014) and Insurgency: Sandstorm. Before its acquisition by Embracer Group in August 2020, New World Interactive also developed Day of Infamy.

New World Interactive’s Closure: Impact and Reactions

The closure of New World Interactive came as a surprise to the gaming community, with the news being first broken by Second Wind’s Nick Calandra and later confirmed to Insider Gaming. The studio had multiple new games in development but none had been officially announced.

Embracer Group: Previous Layoffs and Closures

This closure comes in the wake of Embracer Group’s previous announcements about potential studio closures and employee layoffs at other studios like THQ Nordic and Gearbox Entertainment. Embracer Group has yet to comment on the closure of New World Interactive or respond to requests for comment from Insider Gaming.

Insurgency: Sandstorm’s Current Status

As of now, Insurgency: Sandstorm continues to be played by a dedicated community with around 4,000 players per day on Steam.


Saber Interactive has confirmed to Insider Gaming that development on Insurgency: Sandstorm and unannounced future projects will continue despite the shutdown of New World Interactive.


New World Interactive, the studio behind popular games such as Insurgency and Insurgency: Sandstorm, has been shut down by its

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